The Boss RC-5 Loop Station is my go to loop pedal. And, I say that after having used many different loop pedals over several years – this one stands out from the crowd for not only its ease of use, but for providing the smoothest sounding loops out of them all.
If the price point of a BOSS looper seems like it’s a little much on the old wallet, I can definitely say that BOSS quality is well worth the extra few dollars that it requires to take one of their products home.
In my opinion, their pedals out perform all others and to me that makes BOSS pedals worth every penny.
Now, quality aside, what really sets the Boss RC-5 looper pedal apart from the competition is how intuitive it is to use and how smooth it is to operate.
The tone of each loop is excellent and the “stomp in” and “punch out,” is perfect for matching the front end to the back-end of every loop.
I also like that the RC-5 has dozens of built-in drum tracks and that the looper pedal can layer a ton more tracks from my guitar – more than I would ever need.
Like most guitar players, I purchased a looper pedal to record myself playing a ‘guitar one’ part of a multiple guitar layered track. The ability to do this saves a ton of time when I produce my YouTube lessons.
While any loop pedal might suffice, (more or less), the BOSS quality is far superior (in my opinion) to everything else currently on the market.