Between April of 2011 through till September of 2013 a collection of nine Jam-Tracks were published for the followers of my YouTube channel. These handouts can still be downloaded today, however they are now archived at;
To work with the YouTube Jam-Track lessons:
Follow the links below, each link is archived by the YouTube Jam-Track video’s sequence order number, its key signature /modal name, and the Jam-Tracks tonality. The links provided below all lead to the Creative Guitar Studio website’s YouTube Jam Track Archive page…
Jam-Track 001: Key of “C” Major (Ionian Mode)
Jam-Track 002: Key of “D” Minor (Aeolian Mode)
Jam-Track 003: Tonality of “A” Minor (Dorian Mode)
Jam-Track 004: Key of “A” Major (Ionian Mode)
Jam-Track 005: Tonality of “C” Major (Lydian Mode)
Jam-Track 006: Tonality of “G” Minor (Dorian Mode)
Jam-Track 007: Tonality of “A” Major (Mixolydian Mode)
Jam-Track 008: Tonality of “E” Major (Mixolydian Mode)
Jam-Track 009: Key of “E” Major (Ionian Mode)